Treatise on the Proper Use of Links
Rule #1: Thou shalt not include more than one link to the same webpage in but a single posting.
Rule #2: Thou shalt not include a link to the blog to which one is posting. Should the reader desire to peruse the rest of the blog, he/she undoubtedly knows how to use the handy navigational features provided by the god-like host of the blog; in the event that one's reader is not endowed with such knowledge, he/she does not deserve to read further.
Rule #3: Thou shalt not include irrelevant or random links. Links must be necessary or reasonably useful to one's reader.
Rule #4: Thou shalt not include a link to a comment on another blog posting when one has already included a link to that particular posting. Individual postings include all comments. This is a variant of the principle expounded in Rule #1.
Now, lovely reader, you may go forth and blog properly.